Reaching for a Fresh Start

If you’ve been following my past few posts, it’s been pretty clear that I’ve been struggling. Struggling with keeping on top of my healthy habits, struggling with keeping up with my writing, struggling against the pulls of the constant undertow of depression. Well, I’m over it. I’m tired of struggling, tired of reacting to my … Continue reading Reaching for a Fresh Start

Heartburns Past and Present

Stormy Seas

My apologies for the late post this week. On Tuesday night, I ended up with a bad case of reflux that kept me home on Wednesday. It’s finally settling down, but it’s led to a period of reflection. I’ve had one other round with some reflux this year, and both times have aligned with certain … Continue reading Heartburns Past and Present

Not Just Sad: What I Feel (or Don’t)

“Life is pain, highness.  Anyone who says differently is selling something.” - William Goldman, The Princess Bride One of the things I have noticed as my meds started to take effect, and even more so as I’ve started working through a lifetime of issues, is that I am crying more now than I have in … Continue reading Not Just Sad: What I Feel (or Don’t)

Walking Is Medicine

“We ought to take outdoor walks, to refresh and raise our spirits by deep breathing in the open air.” — Seneca At my first appointment with my therapist, she ended the session by giving me a few basic self-care practices to start working on. I had just started back on my antidepressants, after realizing that … Continue reading Walking Is Medicine